Most website companies work with templates, “plug-and-post” platforms that are static and inflexible. If you happen to use the same template as another funeral home, the only difference between your websites is your funeral home name. In an increasingly digital market, you can’t afford to blend in with your competitors.
The CFS platform is truly unlimited and fully customizable. Our platform was designed to be easily customizable and offer full editing capabilities to the funeral homes we serve. Designing a web page is very easy. We offer drag and drop components and widgets that can be adjusted at any time. We also make it easy to change backgrounds, color schemes, and photo collections. While we are more than happy to help you with website changes, we’ve made it easy to make adjustments yourself.
Our entire platform is designed with funeral care professionals in mind. Your website should be a foundation for client care and a source of revenue. Our websites work for you, not against you. Changes are easy, fast, and seamless. True to our core philosophy, you will never pay for your CFS website. Our staff is happy to help you make adjustments and show you how to take full advantage of our platform. You should never have to pay to update your own website.
For a glimpse at how much a CFS website can do for you, visit our tutorials page for videos showcasing some of our most frequently used features. We are currently working on expanding our video library to show everything our websites have to offer.
Don’t let other providers confine you to a static template and charge you for every adjustment. Contact us today to find out more about our unlimited platform.
Consolidated Funeral Services, Inc.
220-15 Reservoir Street,
Needham, MA 02494
Tel: 1-888-881-6131
Fax: 617-849-5459
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